FRU ’21 Teaser #5: Paint the Whole Town

Spring has sprung and we’ll all be heading back to the range soon.  As you plan your shooting season keep Illowa Irregulars’ Fall Round-Up 2021 in mind. 

Here is the fifth installment of our FRU ’21 Video Teaser series. If you’ve not seen the previous teasers start with the Illowa Irregulars Christmas message, then view Teasers #2, #3, and #4.  

As you watch the videos, consider how what you’re seeing in the scene could be incorporated into a stage.  The videos will give you a sense, but the details are left to the dastardly minds of our Match Director Rootin Tootin and Territorial Governor Count Sandor, and shall remain a secret until FRU ’21.  All I’ll say is that it’ll be fun and should prove to be one of the year’s highlights.

Click here to view video

Be sure to mark your calendars, put back a little ammo if it’s scarce, then join us in Fall Round-Up 2021.  You’ll be glad you did. 

If you’ve not done so already, download the Registration Form by clicking here.  For more information visit us at or send us an email by clicking here.

Don’t delay. Reserve your spot today.

While you’re on our website, if you’ve not done so already be sure to sign up to receive email notices of future videos and blog posts.  Simply complete the Follow Blog Via Email box in the lower right portion of the home page (see below).  Feel free to share this with your friends and family and post it on Facebook, etc.

Happy Trails and we’ll see you soon.  Enjoy Video Teaser #5. 

Popcorn Kelly
Illowa Irregulars Cowboy Action Shooting
Camden Mills
Milan, Illinois